Thursday, April 14, 2016

2016-04-14 Planting MOSO seeding in the soil

Finally I get back to this blog. I will try update it every time I have a minute. This is a promise for myself :)

We planted the seeding into the soil. The experiment of germination is over - new experiment - "soil fraction and conditions".

We have made 3 different fractions of the soil:
1. Nursery compost  + Perlite (50/50)
2. Flower planting compost + Perlite (50/50)
3. Perlite (Only perlite)

Every type of the soil was bought in plantings shop. It is totally sterilized - so we guess we will not have any typo of fungus on the soil during growing period.

Perlite was immersed into the water and fertilizer mixture. We choose tomato fertilizer cause it fits most of the plants. Today i really don't know what kind of fertilizers should be used for bamboos.

Afterwards we made 3 different mixtures of soil and perlite as described above.

We dig a small holes for seeds in every container with soil. we inserted seeds just a half of centimeter depth. The pictures are bellow.

All of the pallets where placed on our new heating mat.

I hope everything will be good and we will see the progress shortly!


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