- Temperature;
- Humidity;
Taking into account this we started the work.
First of all we take of the shells from all the seeds.
We divided all the seeds into two parts - one part for seeds from China and another from Germany (we get approximately equal amount of seeds from two sellers).
We decided to use simple cool water from tap and water + salt mixture (1/9) (we found this method somewhere online). Water is really good in this region where we live so it is not bad idea to use simple tap water (I think).
We left seeds near by the hot radiator (it is still winter here and we have snow outside so the radiator is hot) to keep the stable temperature.
We left the house for one hour. During this time we bought some ziplock bags and cotton-wool.
We distributed all the seeds on the wool, moisten them and packed into the ziplock bags.
All the bags has numbers on the top to monitor the process.
3 bags with seeds were placed near by the radiator. The other seeds still soaking in the water. We pour hot water into the bottle and placed near the seeds to assure high temperature from both sides of the seeds.
Next day we took all the rest seeds from water and placed them into a plastic bags using the same wool - water - ziplock bag method.
We hope to see something during upcoming week.